Personal Injury Law – Auto Accidents

Have You Been Hurt in a Car Wreck? Our Auto Accident Attorneys Can Help

The accident lawyers with our Law Offices are here to assist you if you have suffered an injury in an automobile accident. If this is the case, you than more likely have accumulated some significant medical bills, and you have also incurred pain and suffering and lost wages. More info on this website

As such, you may be eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit in order to obtain restitution for the injury and accompanying suffering you have experienced. More info on this website
But you will probably need the help of an accident attorney in order to have any chance at all of getting the fair compensation that you have coming to you. Auto accidents can be much more difficult to litigate than they first appear, especially when there is an injury involved. More info on this website

But the attorneys with our Law Offices have handled personal injury litigation involving car accidents for two decades, and are thus very familiar will all of the intricacies and complexities involved. This article is designed to provide you with some basic information so that you can better comprehend the process involved in pursuing litigation in an effort to obtain restitution. We will also let you know the hurdles you will have to overcome in order to win your case. We want you to have this information so that you can make the best decisions possible regarding your case. This information, however, is in no way meant to take the place of an actual consultation with a lawyer who knows the specific circumstances surrounding your case. The attorneys with our Law Offices are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling us toll free.

When You Can File a Personal Injury Claim After a Car Accident

Every personal injury claim has three critical components:

A victim has suffered a physical, mental or emotional injury. 

That injury was caused by another person who violated a legal duty to the victim. Typically, in a car accident case that means the negligent party either caused the accident outright, or contributed to it due to an action or inaction that created an unsafe environment for other drivers, passengers and pedestrians on the road. 

The victim incurred monetary losses, known as “damages” in legal terms, because of the accident. A personal injury suit serves the purpose of providing restitution to the victim, or plaintiff, for the damages that he or she has experienced. 

The circumstances surrounding your accident must have all of these three components in order for you to have a legitimate personal injury claim. If you have any questions about whether or not you have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit, please call our Law Offices as soon as possible for a confidential and free consultation. We will be able to quickly tell you whether or not you have a case, and where you stand from a legal perspective. If you do, and you get the restitution you deserve, that can help you not only recover from the accident financially, that can help you more rapidly recover both mentally and physically as well.

Speed Traps Are All Over The State

This Blog was brought to you by the Traffic Ticket Attorneys San Antonio Gordon Slade 210-820-3033

Speed Traps Are All Over The State

Several locations throughout the state are favorite locations for police to radar and laser traffic. The result is that many of these individuals who are driving through receive a speeding ticket.

The court system handles all speeding tickets and traffic tickets. However, the Department of Motor Vehicles and the court system work together to resolve these issues.

When you receive a speeding ticket, you can plead guilty and pay the fine by mail or in person. You may also fight the ticket in court and face a judge or hearing officer. If you plead guilty to your speeding ticket, you will also receive points on your driving record. This can also cause your insurance premiums to go up.

If you choose to fight your speeding ticket, you will need to have a case. This means you will need to research to ensure that you broke the law you have been accused of. If you have not broken individual sections of the law, you may be able to get your case dismissed. When fighting a speeding ticket, it helps to have a traffic lawyer in the state as they specialize in these cases. They may also be able to negotiate with the prosecutor to lower your fine and your offense. They may also be able to keep the speeding ticket off of your record.

Whatever you do, do not ignore your speeding ticket. You will receive a summons to appear before a judge if you do. If you do not, the court system will issue a warrant for your arrest. Your license will also be suspended or revoked.

It is always wise to visit the court about your Connecticut speeding ticket and see if you have any options for keeping the ticket and points off your driving record. You may be able to take advantage of driving school or deferred probation for your ticket. These options are usually only available to you once, but if you don’t plan on getting another speeding ticket within the same year, they are worth it. You can often keep your ticket off of your record, despite paying associated fees and court costs, but it is well worth it in the long run.

Traffic Tickets are quite easy to get nowadays.

Unfortunately for most of the motoring public, tickets are quite easy to get nowadays.

Modern technology has provided today’s Law Enforcement with numerous tools and gadgets that make it simple and cost-effective to easily locate motorists that violate the rules of the road. As a Law Enforcement Officer currently assigned to a productive Traffic Division, I can promise you that if you haven’t yet gotten a ticket, you most likely will sooner or later. No matter how careful you are on the roads, everyone makes mistakes. One day, another traffic cop like me will be out there to catch that mistake.traffic ticket attorneys san antonio

Still skeptical? Let me tell you a little about a typical day at work for me. Perhaps you will see that no matter how careful, no matter how safely you drive, one day you will probably find yourself on the receiving end of a traffic ticket. Read on: More about Traffic ticket Attorneys here:

My night shift starts uneventfully. I power up my video camera so I can catch violations on camera. I make sure I have extra ink cartridges for the ticket printer; I don’t want to run out and not be able to issue citations. The gas tank of my patrol car gets filled and I test my dash-mounted radar to make sure it is working properly. I fire up the hand-held laser and check it too. A quick glance at my watch shows that it’s 5:00 PM and time to head out. The rush hour traffic is sure to yield several good tickets, and I know I will find some more “customers” later on in the evening if I keep my eyes open.

Rare is the day when I don’t find several tickets to write to unlucky motorists. Technology has made it very easy for me. My dash-mounted radar is my favorite tool. It gets used quite often; as I’ll often hide around curves or at the bottom of hills, and catch speeders before they even know I am there. By the time the driver actually spots me, it’s too late. But stationary radar is not the only use for my dash-mounted radar. I can operate moving radar while driving from point A to point B, and often collect several citations before I reach my destination. While I’m driving around running radar, I have a computer program that allows me to check the license plates of motorists around me. If there is a problem with a license plate, such as an expired decal, or a registrant with a suspended license, I can be sure I will get a few tickets for stopping that vehicle.

I also keep my eyes peeled for other obvious offenders: Red light runners, people that violate the right of way of others, and of course, those impatient people that like to “roll” through stop signs. These violations make easy tickets for me.

Sometimes we play dirty. A bunch of traffic cops will get together, and one will “dress up” as a surveyor. He will place a hand-held laser in a tripod and pretend to be “surveying” near a busy roadway. In actuality, the “surveyor” is actually clocking speeders and radioing the information to cops that are hidden down the road. The result-you get busted. We often use many variations on this theme.

I hardly even have to put in any effort when I sit down to write a ticket. I have a license reader that allows me to “swipe” your license like a credit card. The reader then transmits your license data to a pre-made ticket form on my computer. I add a few things to the ticket and then hit the “print” button. Voila! A few seconds later, and I have a nice printed citation personalized for you. The minutes saved by the license reader and ticket printer free up more time for me to go out and stop more cars.

While that pretty much sums up my workday, it doesn’t mean that when the cops aren’t around, you are off the hook. We now have cameras everywhere that can generate tickets when we are not around. Many people have heard of the “red light” cameras and the “toll-booth” cameras. They are real, and a lot of government money is generated from those tickets.

What does this mean for you? Basically, with all the newfangled technology that cops are running around with, chances are good that you will get a ticket- no matter how careful you are.